Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feeding on God's Word

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God...rightly dividing the word of truth ”

Feeding upon the word of God can be hazardous to one's life and health if taken literally. On the other hand, it can produce life changing experiences that will save one's life too.

The story is told of a man by the name of Menekil II who was one of the greatest rulers in African history. He is responsible for what is known as modern Ethiopia today. Born in 1844, he was captured during an enemy raid and held prisoner for 10 years. Escaping, he declared himself head of the province of Shewa. He began conquering neighboring kingdoms and developed them into modern Ethiopia with himself as emperor. His efforts to modernize Ethiopia (schools, phones, railroads), make Menekil world-famous. The emperor had one little known eccentricity. Whenever he was feeling ill he would eat a few pages of the Bible insisting that this always restored his health. One day in December, 1913, recovering from a stroke and feeling extremely ill, he had the entire book of Kings torn from an Egyptian edition of the Bible, ate every page of it and died. Is there any surprise? The word of God was never intended to be taken orally to cure life's illnesses. Of course he found out the hard and eternal way.

There is yet another story I would like you to read that has completely the opposite effect on one's life and he too digested God's word, but in the right intended way. Here's the story!

One of the most dramatic examples of the Bible’s divine ability to transform men and women involved the famous mutiny on the “Bounty.” Following their rebellion against the notorious Captain Bligh, nine mutineers, along with the Tahatian men and women who accompanied them, found their way to Pitcairn Island, a tiny dot in the South Pacific only two miles long and a mile wide. Ten years later, drink and fighting had left only one man alive—John Adams. Eleven women and 23 children made up the rest of the Island’s population.

So far this is the familiar story made famous in the book and motion picture. But the rest of the story is even more remarkable. About this time, Adams came across the “Bounty’s” Bible in the bottom of an old chest. He began to read it, and the divine power of God’s Word reached into the heart of that hardened murderer on a tiny volcanic speck in the vast Pacific Ocean—and changed his life forever. The peace and love that Adams found in the Bible entirely replaced the old life of quarreling, brawling, and liquor. He began to teach the children from the Bible until every person on the island had experienced the same amazing change that he had found. Today, with a population of slightly less than 100, nearly every person on Pitcairn Island is a Christian. From Signs of the Times, August, 1988, p. 5.

How are your feeding habits? Are they healthy or hazardous to your well-being? The Word of God is living and powerful...(Heb. 4:12). It is the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). How are you using it?


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