Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Battle for the Mind

“Let the mind of the Master be the master of your mind”
The source of the above quote is unknown but the quote itself makes absolutely good sense. The mind is very fragile in and of itself and needs to be looked after with great care. It is of the utmost importance that we feed it with the correct nutrition so that it will remain physically, mentally and spiritually in tact. Most of us have been around individuals who no longer obtain these capabilities. It is a very sad sight to behold but it could possibly happen to each of us sometime in the future. When we see these people we must learn to be very tolerate and understanding of their behavior. At this point in life it could be said that these people are no longer able to make intelligent decisions for themselves or anyone else. Also at this point the mental capacity of their minds are unable to reason with reason. The saddest part of this loss is that most of these individuals are unaware that anything is wrong.

Whether or not any of us want to admit it, there has been and always will be a battle for our minds. It began when God created man and it will end when He sends His Son back to this earth for their souls. Some will joyfully be added to His heavenly kingdom while others will depart into everlasting darkness. This is why is it imperative that we all seek the Master now to be the master of our minds. It could be that later on we will not be afforded this luxury.

One of the faculties of the mind is perception; being able to perceive things. In Luke 9:47 Jesus used this when a dispute rose up among the disciples as to who would be the greatest in the kingdom. We have the ability to perceive things and sometimes we do it correctly and at others times we don't. Another faculty of the mind is that of remembrance. Paul instructs Titus to use this as Titus is to remind the Christians on Crete to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work. Sometimes we need to be reminded of such things too. As Paul is writing to the church in Rome is uses his mind in order to reason between giving in to the works of the flesh or submitting himself with his mind to God. Of course we know that he committed to the latter only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. When we are caught between the two desires, we must do as Paul and use our mind to reason with and make the right choice. In Nehemiah 4:6 we see where the Jews were rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem with much opposition and ridicule, but they completed the task because they had a mind to work. In other words, they had desire. We too can accomplish much in our service to the Lord if we have the desire to work in His earthly kingdom.

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