Friday, May 14, 2010

Do you attend regular Bible classes? Why or why not?

What about the above question? If you do attend regular Bible classes then we all know why. It is to gain as much knowledge as possible to be a better student of God's word. By obtaining as much knowledge as possible, you will be better equipped to proclaim the truth of the gospel to those who are still in the dark of such good news. You are to be commended my friend for an effort well done.

2 Tim. 2:15 reminds us to “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This means we must become a student of the Bible. How else will we be able to rightly divide this truth if we know little or nothing about the subject matter?

We offer Bible studies to our congregation on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday evenings. There is not one member that can stand before God and say, “I never had an opportunity to learn.” If you choose not to take advantage of this wonderful learning tool, then you can blame no one but yourself. It will be a terrible thing to stand before the judgment and hear Jesus say, “Depart from me you worker of iniquity!” It could have been as simple as attending a regular Bible study that would have kept your ears from hearing that statement.

You may say, “I attend morning worship most of the time. What else do you want of me?” Whoopee! Give yourself a BIG pat on the back. Jesus gave His very life so you can have this opportunity to study and learn more about Him and His sacrifice for YOU! Is your time more valuable than His? Is your sacrifice to give up some time so you can attend more than once a week more of a sacrifice than His?

What excuse did you have this past Lord's day for not attending Bible study? Are you going to use the same one this week or are you going to be a bit more creative? Know this, there will be no lame excuses accepted by God for your lack of interest or pure laziness for not learning as much as possible about His word. You will reap what you sow (Gal. 6:7) and you can take that to the bank.

In Christian love,

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Monday, May 3, 2010

More Than A Mother

When God set the world in place,
when He hung the stars up in space,
when He made the land and the sea,
then He made you and me.

He sat back and saw all that was good,
He saw things to be as they should.
Just one more blessing He had in store;
He created a mother, but whatever for?

He knew a mother would have a special place
to shine His reflection on her child's face.

A mother will walk the extra mile
just to see her children smile.
She'll work her fingers to the bone
to make a house into a home.

A mother is there to teach and guide,
a mother will stay right by your side.
She'll be there through your pain and strife,
she'll stay constant in your life.

A mother will lend a helping hand
until you have the strength to stand.
She'll pick you up when you are down,
when you need a friend she'll stick around.

A mother is one who listens well,
will keep her word; will never tell.

A mother never pokes or pries
but stands quietly by your side,
giving you the strength you need,
encouraging you to succeed.

A mother is one who can be strong
when you need someone to lean on.
You're more than a mother to me;
a reflection of Him in your face I see,
a love that knows no boundaries.

I'm glad that you chose to be
all this and more to me.
You share a love that knows no end,
you're more than my mother,
you are my friend.

Kari Keshmiry

Sunday is Mother's Day and if you still have your mother, please do not hesitate to give her a call or go by and see her. Whichever you do, remember to let her know that she is appreciated and that you love her very much. There is nothing like a mother's love and hopefully we have all been able to experience this love in one form or the other. Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers and may God continue to richly bless each of you.

In Christian Love,

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