Saturday, June 19, 2010

Would Jesus Befriend You on FaceBook?

Presently there are some 359 million active users on Facebook. Out of those 350 million, 65 million are accessing Facebook through their phones or mobile devices. Did you realize that the average user is spending at least one hour a day on their personal site. You might think these figures are exaggerated, but they are not.

Most of your young people wake up with Facebook on their minds. They need to make contact right away or miss out on something very important. They are taking pictures and placing them on their site in real time hoping that their friends will see or read their updates. Yes, I am a Facebook user, but I do not depend on it for my communications. I still use the old fashion way of eye to eye contact and the telephone. I do remember mores code from my younger days but that's another story. We have come a long way in which we stay in contact with one another.

Using your imagination, "Would you befriend Jesus on Facebook?" "Would he befriend you?" Right away if you are a Christian you might say "Yes," of course I would. This would be very understandable, but would you have to clean up your profile, pictures and posts first? If Jesus were on Facebook and He decided to befriend you, would He accept your invitation once He visited your site?

One thing for sure, the writer of Proverbs 15:3 says it best, "The eyes of the Lord are in every place keeping watch on the evil and the good." Need I say more? We know that Jesus doesn't have to befriend us on Facebook to know what we are doing. Would he be pleased with your communications? If so, great! If not, what are you willing to do about it?

Let me suggest that you examine your behavior and be completely honest with yourself. Am I setting the right example for my Lord, His church and my fellow brothers and sister in Christ while accepting the calling of Christian? Only you can answer that question truthfully. Just remember that when you befriend someone, you are allowing them to know everything about you that is posted on your site.

If you have been added to the Lord's church (Acts 2:47) through obedience (Acts 2:38) to the gospel call, then you owe it to Jesus and to yourself to act like a Christian in all aspects of your life. Are you willing to clean up you act starting with Facebook to make this happen? The choice is all yours. I pray you will do what is pleasing to the Lord, not what is pleasing to you. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness... (Matt. 6:33).


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