your conduct in check? This is possibly one of the most important
questions to ask ourselves on a daily basis, especially if we are
trying our best to imitate Christ. Others are checking us out, so
why not check on our own selves as well! Our conduct is nothing more
than our behavior. How is your behavior these days?
wrote to young Timothy in 1
Tim. 3:15
and said this, but
if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to
conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the
living God, the pillar and ground of truth.”
The purpose for Paul writing this epistle was that men might know
how to live in the church. Christians must learn to live with each
other in order to live in the church. The church family of God. God
is the Father. Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. Love
of God can only exist where brotherly love exists. Paul taught
Christians how they are to live in the church of the living God. How
are YOU doing so far?
the half brother to Jesus, had this to say about our conduct. Who
is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good works
in meekness of wisdom.
The wise and understanding person lives a good life with meekness of
wisdom. Meekness means gentleness, humility, courtesy and
consideration toward others. Meekness is the opposite of a rough,
egotistic, unyielding attitude. A lack of meekness indicates a lack
of wisdom. The Bible teacher must live what he teaches! How is YOUR
check on meekness of wisdom in YOUR life today?
reminds us in 1
Pet. 1:17,
that God the Father is no respecter of persons and will judge
according to each man's work. How will God judge you and your works?
Will He be pleasantly pleased or unpleasantly disappointed? The
rest of this first mentions your sojourning in fear. This means
having the proper respect for God or reverence for Him as we are only
here for a very short time.
Paul exhorts us to follow his example by becoming doers of the Word.
He shows us that Christian conduct is built on biblical content and
is vital because it results in the very presence of the God of peace.
Verse 9 must not be separated from verse 8. Our thought life forms
the basis for our behavior. If our conduct is simply outward
conformity to the expectations of the Christian crowd, it is not
genuine and will not stand up under pressure or temptation.
Christian conduct must flow out of a Christian thought life. A
Christian thought life is the result of genuine conversion, where God
imparts to us a new nature that is able to please Him.
Christian life, therefore, is not merely a modification of the
natural life, it is a new life and Christians do not merely add
something to their lives, they are people who have been changed at
the center, they are entirely different from the world.
you noticed a critical change in your life since surrendering to
Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Have others been able to notice this
change as well? Pray to God that you will always be pleasing to Him
day in and day out. In the end, this is what truly matters and
determines where YOU will spend eternity. Consider your ways!
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