Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The world today is very fast paced. If we are not careful, we will get caught up in this rush and miss out on smelling the roses. People travel daily from one destination to the next giving no thought as to where they are really going in life. Most are commuting daily to work and back. Others are taking extravagant vacations to other parts of the world with nothing but pleasure on their minds. There is nothing wrong with travel, especially if you are traveling in the right direction. Let's talk about some of these directions.

In God's word these directions can be referred to as paths. This is nothing more that a walk, a manner of life. There is the path of the wicked, the believers, the righteous and of the Lord. We will begin with the wicked. This path is brought to nothing according to Job 6:18. It becomes dark (Job 24:13) and is crooked (Isa.59:8). It leads to death (Prov. 2:18) and is filled with wickedness (Prov. 1:15, 16). This path doesn't get any better either. It is destructive (Isa. 59:7) and is followed by wicked rulers (Isa. 3:12). One very important fact about this path is that it is made difficult by God (Hos. 2:6).

Now let's take a look at the path of believers. We will see one significant difference between this path and the path of the wicked. First, this path is beset with difficulties (Job 19:8) but is under God's control (Job 13:27). It is hindered by the wicked (Job 30:13) but enriched by the Lord (Ps. 23:3) and upheld by God (Ps. 17:5). The believer's path is provided by light (Ps. 119:105) and is know by God (Ps. 139:3). It is like a shining light (Prov. 4:18), directed by God (Isa. 26:7) and one that is to be pondered (Prov. 4:26). Unlike the wicked path, there is no death at the end (Prov. 12:28). It is sometimes unknown (Isa. 42:16) and sometimes seems crooked (Lam. 3:9) but to be made straight (Heb. 12:13).

It pays to be righteous. This path is taught by fathers (Prov. 4:1, 11). It is kept (Prov. 2:20), it is taught to believers (Ps. 25:4, 5), sought by believers (Ps. 119:35; Isa. 2:3) and it is rejected by unbelievers (Jer. 6:16; 18:15). How sad!
We definitely want to be on the last path, the Lord's. This path is true (Ps. 25:10), smooth (Ps. 27:11), rich (Ps. 65:11), guarded (Prov. 2:8), upright (Prov. 2:13), living (Prov. 2:19) and it is peaceful (Prov. 3:17).

Which path are you traveling today? Hopefully it is the path of the believer, the righteous and of the Lord. If not, then there is no hope for you and your reward will be eternal condemnation unless you repent and turn to the Lord. Remember He stands with arms opened wide to receive us sinners into the fold. Please don't be left out!

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