Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Being A Miser Will Make You Miserable!

Jesus taught that we are not to lay up for ourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal (Matt. 6:19). Then Paul wrote to young Timothy, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Tim. 6:10).

Hopefully we will never find ourselves in either of these conditions, but just in case, here is an example of a miser that I pray will deter us if we are headed in that direction.

A notorious miser was called on by the chairman of the community charity. “Sir,” said the fund-raiser, “our records show that despite your wealth, you’ve never once given to our drive.” “Do your records show that I have an elderly mother who was left penniless when my father died? fumed the tightwad. “Do your records show that I have a disabled brother who is unable to work? Do your records show I have a widowed sister with small children who can barely make ends meet?” “No, sir,” replied the embarrassed volunteer. “Our records don’t show those things.” “Well, I don’t give to any of them, so why should I give anything to you?”

Landon Parvin in Leaders, quoted in Readers Digest, May 1996, pp. 67-68.

We should all pray that we would never have this kind of attitude when it comes to helping others in need. Are there people like this in the world? Sure enough! It is apparent that they have no idea what the word of God says about being a miser or about being greedy.

If you are a generous person, then you will be unlike the greedy person who will be miserable for all eternity. We, as Christians, know what we must do in order to inherit everlasting life and being greedy is a characteristic that will keep us far from this goal.

We are a part of a church family at Lee County that is very generous with God's blessings in our lives. The family has never come up short when there was a need both inside or outside the flock. God is pleased with this kind of Christ-like behavior. Read Matthew 25:35-40.

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At December 3, 2009 at 10:39 PM , Anonymous true pillager said...

best people are those who are always grateful for favors that have been given by God...


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