That's right, this coming Sunday is Easter morning and children will be waking up to baskets filled with candy and stuffed animals. If the truth is know, when you saw the title of this article you couldn't help but sing, “Hopping down the bunny trail.” Some of you might have even finished the song.
This day is many things to many people. For some they will think just about the Easter bunny and getting together with family and friends. They will hide eggs for the children to find, then have a big feast. This we would refer to as tradition, for most are doing it because this is what they were taught or brought up to do.
For others it is a day to see who can out dress who. Sure the folks will be in worship service of some kind but it won't be to worship a risen Savior. It will be to show off that new outfit they just bought for this one occasion.
All of this might sound rather childish but many of us have participated in such activities in the past and maybe some will today. Traditions are good, but when they interfere with the truth of God's word, then there is a big problem!
Is Easter in the Bible? Some translations have replace the word Passover, in Acts 12:4 with the word Easter. This reference to Easter (wrongfully inserted of course) appears only once in the entire Holy Bible. Yet, with all the carrying on in reference to Easter parades, Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter sunrise services, Easter this and Easter that, one would expect that THE HOLY BIBLE would be replete with Scripture after Scripture mentioning the word 'EASTER'. It's not. If anything should have been spoken of and written about, even celebrated, in connection with The Resurrection of Our Messiah, The LORD Jesus Christ, it should have been the 'PASSOVER'.
What we have to be careful of today is to not mix pagan and heathen customs with The Resurrection of Our LORD Jesus Christ. The best dictionary definition of Easter is found in the root of its meaning from the mythical goddess 'EOSTRE' (also known as Ostara or Ishtar), a goddess of the dawn and spring. Therefore, Easter, and the eggs, and the bunnies, and the sunrise services (worship of the sun and not the SON) are all opposite to the Scriptural and truthful meaning of The Resurrection of The LORD Jesus Christ.
As you know, we, in the church, do not celebrate Easter but we do bring to remembrance the suffering of Christ on Calvary's tree for the remission of our sins each and every first day of the week by the taking of the Lord's Supper. Do you have a scriptural understanding of the resurrection or do you go along with the traditions of men. Once again you must make the choice which is correct in the eyes of God. Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” (Luke 22:19b) He was referring to the taking of the bread and the fruit of the vine. We are complete this morning knowing that what we do each and every week is biblical and is commanded of us by the Lord Himself. Be Blessed!
In His name,
Labels: Easter, Easter bunny, Eostre, Ishtar, Ostara, passover, Peter Cottontail, resurrection, sunrise service, worship